Our Little Corner of the World

Melissa Payne Baker

22 March 2016

This post is about our little corner of the world and choosing an exterior paint color!  This is a very hard decision even for an artist and decorator at heart! We have lived here for just over three years, unbelievable! A bit of history on how we ended up here.  My sister-in-law turned me on to Zillow when she showed me a cute house she thought would be perfect for us. I loved it but moving was not in the cards for us (Payne was just a couple of months old). Six months later I was exploring Zillow for fun and there was that cute house again. As I looked closer to the pictures I told Rick we should go take a look.  You can imagine the look I got from Rick but I assured him it was just for fun to go take a peek.

I immediately fell in love with the house, oops! I looked at Rick and said “it is perfect!”  I felt like I had lived there before. I already had the rooms decorated in my mind and Rick was trying to wrap his mind around moving from our town house we had built and lived in for ten years.  Moving with a 9 month old!  We were also concerned that the house had been on the market for so long. Turns out there had been a contract but the buyer pulled out of it at the last minute.

It was meant to be ours.   SOLD!

 Imperial Renovations did an amazing job! Bye Bye blah color!

The unassuming entrance leads to big character. It isn’t fancy, it is just right for us. We love the openness to host parties, a sunset from the deck, a yard for Payne and his friends to run, we can work from home and we can host multiple guests for overnight stays, not too much yard but enough to feed our love of gardening.  OUR dream home.  One thing has always bothered me though….it was a yellow, greenish blah color on the exterior and the front door was well, not very inviting. It wasn’t terrible, it just wasn’t us. I never dreamed we would have a chance to paint the exterior until….

one door opens

So, you know how one thing leads to another?  I recently acquired a new front door from a friend.  “Let’s just paint the entire house around the door, Rick!”   Rick gave me that look again but after seeing what the painters did for our neighbors home we decided to go for it! Of course, I went into full on research and painting mode, painting swatches on the house to where it looked like patch work.

I can usually make a decision fast but this was a biggie!

It was stressful to think that I could really mess this up.  This was it! There is one color that I have kept for years in my “one day” file, Sherwin Williams Wool Skein.  We decided against gray or a true white, we wanted it light, airy yet warm and inviting.  We wanted the trim to be a soft white and the shutters a flat black.

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